As I promised, here are some more photos from some of the small festivals and shows we saw over the past month. These ladies are from one of the local quilt guilds. The oldest, in the center, has been quilting for only a couple of years having come to the craft late in life. One of these days I will have to try hand quilting. Once I would have said that I don't have the patience. All of my quilts to date have been machine pieced and machine quilted. But I am currently working on a small piece that is hand pieced. Who knows? Hand quilting may be just around the corner.

Some of the festivals encourage kids to try the crafts. These two are trying their hand at hand-dipping candles. Mom and I came too early. Later in the day we might have seen more vendors and visitors.

Every year the Sunset Hill Farm park holds several festivals. This picture came from the Harvest Festival/Antique Power Show. Unfortunately, you can scratch the 'Harvest' part since it was more flea market than harvest. They had a very large array of vendors but most of the merchandise was mass produced. This machine looks like some kind of steam tractor. That cone at the back is actually a fall of hot, steaming water.

This painter is one of the local artists that showed her work at the Sunflower Art Festival at the Art Barn. I have more pictures of the more interesting exhibitors that I will include on a later post. This lady is clearly enjoying herself.

The kids here are obviously enjoying the greyhounds brought out by the local chapter of a Greyhound Rescue group. I think the greyhounds are enjoying the kids and the attention.
You may notice that I have a new photo in my header. My last photo was a picture I took of a quilt block I made for a quilt I finished earlier this year. I thought it was time for a picture of a new project. I finally got the photo transfer process to work and this is one of the quilt blocks I made from family photos. I will show the quilt when I get it done. I shouldn't say that I finally got the process to work. I finally was forced to admit that the easiest way to get what I wanted was to use the commercially prepared solution to fix the photo print onto the fabric. I tried some of the least caustic mordants but nothing home made worked.
Some readers may remember the dragon I used to have on the header. I decided to change because I realized that the work I was showing wasn't mine and I had no idea where I got the original image. I have read too often on the needlework blogs about artists who have found their work appropriated without permission by others who exploited it for their own profit. I don't want to have anything to do with that kind of theft. Instead, I will include only my own work in my bog or that of others from whom I have permission or to whom can give credit for the work.
1 comment:
Hey it looks good Mary! At first I thought I was in the wrong place. Kind of like going into a friend's house and the furniture is changed around.
I've never quilted but grew up with many passed down by my Grandmothers. For decades we've gone to the Smokey Mts in the fall for a week of hiking. Gatlinburg is filled with craft shops/quilts/candles/ etc. Your pictures remind me of this.
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