Friday, January 4, 2019

January 2

Bill Schneider at NBC is right on with his commentary on the federal government shutdown: it is amazing how "normal" the tactic has become. And how callous some of us have become to the effects the shutdown has on ordinary Americans. The man-baby in the White House simply dismisses any concern for furloughed workers because either (he claims) they are mostly Democrats (and hence, I guess, not deserving of sympathy) or they (with no evidence) support his actions.

January 3

As a sign of how right Schneider's thoughts are (see above) about the shutdown the fact that the "negotiations" yesterday produced no movement at all is that there has been very little coverage in the media. I put the word in quotes because, with #45, there is no such thing as negotiation. There is simply bluster, threats, bullying, and broken agreements. It is interesting to see how impotent he is when all of his tactics fail to produce his desired result. I won't bother linking because what little coverage there is isn't very informative. As I read this piece at the Political Wire I had to ask, in answer to Pelosi's question of how many times must they say no, since when has the man-baby every understood the word. Certainly never when he was groping a woman he wanted to grope, and never in any of his business "deals."

January 4

Have a good laugh with this one. Nice bit of satire.

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