Monday, June 27, 2022

June 27

 Haven't been up to much besides dealing with dental issues. I still have another appointment to get a couple of teeth pulled and a cavity filled. Although dentistry isn't as brutal as it was when I was a teenager I still don't much like having dental work done. But if I want to keep the rest of my teeth for the rest of my life (however long that might be considering my current age) I need to pay better care of them. In case you wonder, I don't care much for medical exams either. Thankfully I don't have any (known)conditions that requires frequent medical attention.

The news has also been depressing on so many fronts.

On the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade: I was 24 when the decision was made in 1973. It surprised me and made me thoroughly consider what I would do" IF". I won't tell you what my conclusion was because it was my own private decision as it should be for all women. I never became pregnant so I never had to deal the IF. How do I feel now? I think of the scene in the movie Elizabeth where William Cecil tells ladies in waiting to Elizabeth I that they must show him her sheets each morning because he needed to know all her "bodily functions." When the ladies question his order he replies "Her Majesty's body and person are no longer her own. They belong to the state." That is exactly what the new decision does for half of the U.S. population. And I don't for a single moment the assurances of several of the majority justices that the issue will stop with abortion. I read the leaked version and did some quick research to find that the arguments for the decisions concerning contraceptives, same sex relations, and same sex marriage are the same and Clarence Thomas, in his concurrence, suggested re-examining them as well. I noticed Thomas didn't include Loving v Virginia, decided on the same grounds which, legalized interracial marriages (like his own).

On a different front--my gardens are doing well. The pansies in the tower pots are making a really nice show as are all the plants in the fence top pots. It is almost time to start harvesting the herbs I plan to harvest--the basil, sage, mints, and lavender. We had a miserable thunderstorm Saturday night which left many plants a bit tattered and torn but it did give us rain so I didn't have to water anything til tomorrow morning. I harvested the first two tomatoes from patio size tomato. We each got one. The pepper is doing well but nothing is ripe yet.

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