Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November 29, 30

 Well, we are two days from December.

So--another day and another cryptocurrency firm files for bankruptcy. 


We are now one day from December. Some people already have their lights up and the stores have had Christmas merchandise up since Halloween. The seasonal ads touting all the junk people can spend their money on are all over the TV. So are the adds for Medicare Advantage plans. At least three times the same ad was played back to back to back. Yeah, three times in a row. We have become increasingly irritated by seeing the same ad either back to back or twice within the same commercial block.  I am getting to hate being sold to.

My reading and commenting was interrupted because Mom thought it would be a good idea to do our shopping yesterday. The supermarket where we do our usual shopping sends out some coupons that are actually useful targeting products we normally use. We didn't have much on our shopping list but used the coupons and took advantage of the sales for things we would use soon anyway. They had a nice sale on boneless, skinless chicken breasts at about half the regular price (or what has become regular price). I have to get them packaged for the freezer today. We also got some cabbage for a couple of favorite recipes. They also had turkey breasts. We haven't bought whole turkey for a long time because it is way too much for just Mom and me.

Blockfi was the crypto company I mentioned yesterday. I read early today that the company has filed law suits against FXT for deceptive business practices. Interesting note though: one short story mentioned that Blockfi has ties to mainstream finance companies which would send some tremors through out that industry.

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