Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 22

Sunny today but I am taking things easy and doing as little as possible. We spent Monday doing laundry. We had put it off too long and had a lot to wash. I took several loads upstairs to put away and I was really feeling it in my back and legs. We decided that we should, definitely should decide on a day EACH week when we will do laundry. We are both way too old to throw two large net bags down the stairs or lug a lot of clothes back up stairs. Then Tuesday we did our grocery shopping and we had a lot of heavy stuff to bring in. We picked up two bags of potting mix so I can finish the planting and two boxes of canned cat food. We pick up gardening materials and plants only at this time of the year of we won't be getting any more soil. Even so we think it is time to go back to our once a week shopping trips. We got into the habit of stocking up for two weeks or more during the pandemic and during winter. The pandemic is pretty much over and Covid has become something we simply have to live with. And the winters haven't been so severe as to immobilize us. Time to make things physically easier on us.

Watching the Weather Channel reminds me there are many kinds of nasty weather. A storm line that went through here a couple of days ago gave us rain but in the next county east the winds took down power lines and did other damage. The damage from high-speed, straight-line winds in Houston was mind boggling. The pictures of the tall buildings with their windows broken out were stunning.

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