Saturday, December 28, 2024

December 26, 27, 28

 Boxing Day today in Canada and the UK. Hope your Christmas (or first day of Hanukah) was pleasant. Ours was quiet here at home. We had turkey, mashed sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and Brussels sprouts for supper. I wove several squares on my zoom loom and picked apart several I had connected and thought better of what I had done. I have an idea I want to try after New Year's Day to connect those squares but I am not going to start that until then. We watched a whole star of our DVDs because nothing interested us on cable. Today I wove several more squares, got the kitchen cleaned up, made oatmeal for breakfast and got a cake in the oven. We will have pork chops with mashed potatoes for supper because I have the chops thawed and don't want to risk them going bad. I won't have to do more than heat up meals for the next week. We'll live on left-overs.

Reading list:

1) Bill Astore at Bracing Views casts considerable doubt on the notion of "trusting" the government. However, his article suggests that we shouldn't trust other aspects of our social/political system. He reminds us of how old Biden looked during the 2020 campaign with his physical stumbles, mental hiccups, and other signs of decline. Astore argues that, because of COVID, we simply didn't see enough of him to have notice the signs. Well, I did notice but I also saw the same signs with Trump and in a choice between the two I chose Biden. I don't trust most of what the government puts out or promises. I spend a good bit of time trying to figure out how to lessen my reliance on the government but some of what they do is so necessary and so embedded in our society that it is a challenge.


Our iron grey skies finally decided to dump some rain on us. We expect another couple of days before the temperatures fall to more normal levels. Right now we have high 40s or low 50s. I saw something sprouting in the containers. I have no idea what it is but it won't last long with colder temps coming

I am in a "low power" mode and simply puttering around puttering around. As I mentioned, the embroidered pillow case was the last completion for this year. That makes two pairs of pillow cases, a table topper, two embroidered/cross-stitched table scarves, an eight piece set of placemats and napkins, four crocheted lap blankets. Not bad. I am already lining up the needlework for next year. I just started a new doily which will be a bit of a challenge along with the two to-be-embroidered/cross-stitched table clothes, a lap blanket in process, and a whole bunch of woven squares to put together for something undecided yet. I will also bring out a quilt that is started but has been in limbo for about two years. Time to make progress on that.

Well, it is finally official--the bald eagle is the official bird of the U.S. We both were surprise because we thought it had been since the founding of this country. Evidently not. The BBC has a nice article here.


Quiet Saturday watching our own re-runs. We watched one of the local Chicago channels for news but switched to our DVDs. Most of the rest is news/commentary/speculation so limiting my exposure to it seems to be the way to mental health. There seems to be two camps: the hysterical Democrats and the sycophant Republicans. A few seem to be taking a wait-and-see attitude. I am in the middle camp. I have never had a good opinion of Trump. I never watched THE APPRENTICE because I never liked the "reality" type of TV show. (I never watched AMERICA'S GOT TALENT, SURVIVOR, THE VOICE etc., either.) For some time I have thought that some aspects of the Federal government (and perhaps State governments as well) needed a thorough reform but not a thorough demolition. We'll have to see what the Trump and his acolytes actually do.

I favor the old admonition:

    Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change

    The strength to change the things I can change

    And the wisdom to know the difference.

That is the trick--to tell which is which is which.

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