Thursday, January 23, 2025

January 23

We had some snow--maybe 2 inches. Hard to tell because of the way the wind drove the snow around. The sun has been in and out. We had planned to do some grocery shopping today but the snow changed that. I did a short trip for a couple of things we need before next week when the weather might be better but Mom stayed home.

Ever since former-President George W. Bush declared he wanted to see an "ownership" society I have had a sinking feeling--a pessimism about our society. I quipped then that George W.'s "ownership society" was really a "you're on your ownership society." Take a look at a couple of Trump's latest actions: crowing about a $600billion investment in AI with a group of private investors while he signs an order which erases Biden's order that curbed the price of insulin and allowed Medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies over price. Who gains and who loses in this? Clue--ordinary people with limited incomes who need medication lose while the wealthy techbros win.

Stray thought: isn't it interesting that Trump nominated a man who handled the finances of two small veterans' organization so badly they declared bankruptcy and on hired a forensic accountant to find out where the money went to run the largest slush fund on the planet, a.k.a. the Pentagon? But then I guess that record of failure isn't impressive to a man who has at least four bankruptcies on his resume along with Trump University, Trump steaks, Trump branded water, Trump airlines all of which failed. 

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