Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 9

 We have weak sun after a cloudy early morning and snow flurries. It is cold and won't warm up until the weekend. I don't think we will need to go out until maybe next week. I say maybe because it depends on whether we run out of something we need right away. Not really likely. Been busy this morning. I vacuumed the carpet and throw rugs down stairs which is getting more and more difficult as I get older. We say we do things when the spirit moves us and are thankful it doesn't move us often. However, a point comes when that damned spirit hits us in the head with a 2x4 and yells DO IT ALREADY. Before I got busy on that I put a bit of Swiss steak in the oven with diced tomatoes and some other stuff. It is done now. I left it in the oven and it will wait til we want to eat supper. 

I only worked about an hour or so on my cross stitch piece--one of the motifs that didn't get ruined in the mess I mentioned a while back. But now it is time to get my reading done.

Starting off my reading for the day with this piece by Reed Howard at MAVERICK. I heard of Dietrich Bonhoeffer from several of the bloggers I read regularly. He sounds like someone our politicos could take a lesson in courage from. Most are very lacking in that department.

Well the Texas measles outbreak continues to build. And there are now cases across the border in New Mexico. An interesting comment in the article says that though 58 cases have been identified (of which only 4 were among unvaccinated children) as many as 200-300 may be infected but haven't been tested. That puts Trump's contention during COVID that more testing cause more cases. The cases are there just unidentified.

I don't think much of RFK, Jr. but I can't blame hime for this mess. Vaccination rates have been falling for around 40 years. People have become very skeptical of all science--even that which has had a good track record.

John Ganz at UNPOPULAR FRONT has an intriguing post which describes a shift in the "American right" from a "Gramscian" philosophy to a "Sorelian" phase in its struggle. I will keep the post on my feed for a second reading.

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