Yeah!! We have sun today. It might just be a lull between rounds of wintery weather. The mixed precipitation yesterday and over night have left our patio with a coating of ice. I tried to put some stuff in the shed and, after sliding a bit, found the door frozen shut. It will remain that way until everything thaws again. It has been a busy morning so far. I spent a couple of hours on the cross-stitch remains of that damaged table cloth.
Then I fixed some French toast for breakfast and, simultaneously, started on a rearrangement of our pantry shelves. I am reassessing what we keep on hand. Our patterns have changed drastically and I have to figure out how to use up things we are phasing out. A remark from a former official who ran Social Security resonated with us. He suggested that, with the personnel cuts the administration plans to make at the agency, they might not be able to send out SS checks in the usual timely manner as soon as the end of the month. He advised recipients to "start saving" now. I say that is a bit late. Mom and I have both been on Social Security for the last almost fifteen years and it has taken us that long to save enough to cover about two, maybe three, months expenses. We also have plans of expenses we can cut if things go badly. And the political mishigas isn't the only threat on the horizon. Best to have alternatives.
By the way, this article indicates that the crypto insanity isn't just infecting our "President." Several states are also infected.
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