Wednesday, February 7, 2018

No sun and more snow. Mom cleaned off about three inches on the car and patio. The rest on the sidewalk is our landlord's problem. The forecast for the next week (clouds with frequent snow showers) make us very glad we got out yesterday--though we realized, as we thought about it, we could have gone well into next week with what we had on hand. However, taking advantage of the relatively good weather gives us more of a buffer. We like that flexibility.

John Michael Greer has a good piece on Ecosophia today arising out of his post from which he received a lot of push back.

For some time now I have argued that the solution to the $1.4trillion sword of Damocles called student debt was to 1) cancel all of the debt and 2) not issue any new student loans--especially those backed by government guarantees. Ives Smith at Naked Capitalism features a new study which claims that cancelling all of the student debt will have large positive consequences personally for the borrowers and for the economy generally with few downsides.

I read this quip to Mom. Her response: what do you mean "might?" Maha has a number of succinct and appropriate comments on #45's desire for a "military" parade.

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