Saturday, July 18, 2020

July 18

We have watched the progress of the pandemic and its attendant economic depression (I believe in calling things by their appropriate name--we have gone beyond the tamer, gentler name of recession) with deep skepticism. We were firmly convinced early on that the pain wasn't going to go away any time soon and, since the economic catastrophe was caused by a health catastrophe, might wax and wane as the health crisis does. Mauldin has a post today with says pretty much the same with pretty charts and interesting anecdotes.

Not much to say about the gardens except the plants have exploded with the rain (supplemented with the hose every now and then) and the warm weather. The overnight temps didn't fall below 80F here and as I finished watering hit 90F this morning. I have several in mind for a good hair cut. And both roses and one of the morning glories are blooming.

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