Tuesday, August 25, 2020

 August 24

I just found these photos of Mrs. #45's "renovation" of the White House Rose Garden. As soulless and tasteless as herself.

I saw this on the news last night. Much ado about nothing, to steal from Shakespeare. Early in this pandemic, when the epicenter was still in New York and surrounds, doctors were trying convalescent plasma with contradictory results. As one patient, who survived, noted he couldn't say whether the plasma actually worked because the doctors were throwing everything in their arsenal at his case. From what I can tell from the discussions this morning the statistics aren't as clear cut as the press conference seemed to indicate. I guess #45 got his positive news after a week from hell and just before his variety show, a.k.a., convention.

August 25

I have decided that I will put on some of our DVDs right after our local news until after Thursday. I can take only so much of the Trump/GOP nonsense. I get way too much just from the news shows.

An article on the strange weather noted that the word "unprecedented" has been used so much that it has lost much of its meaning. I would suggest that the term "Socialism" has also lost any coherent meaning except as a Repthuglican buzzword as this piece from Down With Tyranny

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