Wednesday, July 28, 2021

 July 28

I haven't posted for several days. Nothing much to say because nothing much is happening. The national legislature is still at logger heads over the infrastructure bill--can't even agree on what constitutes "infrastructure." Latest problem was whether and how much to include for mass transit (which largely benefits, mostly blue, cities) vs. highways and roads (which benefits mostly red rural areas). I read a small piece that said "Darth" Mitch McConnell floated the notion that he would be on board with raising the debt ceiling if it were coupled with the establishment of a "commission" that would closely examine all of the so-called trust agencies (highways, social security, medicare) and propose ways to deal with the projected shortfalls that congress would have to implement.

Often in the last five years I have been unable to recognize this country as the United States as the one I have lived in all my life. Stories like this one just solidifies that feeling. I read a number of prepper and/or homesteader blogs and several have warned over the last year or so that China's policy of "social credit" (for lack of a better term) closely surveilling its people for their "personal contacts", grades, social media posting and a host of other factors. The scores determine what government services you can access, whether you get a job or a promotion, you or your children get into a top flight school etc. The comments on their posts often express deep skepticism that the system can ever come here. Well, ... . I have see passionate articles urging readers to "deal" with "pre-cancer", "pre-diabetes", and "pre-hypertension." Now we have "pre-crime." Or at least the citizens in Pasco County, Florida do. I have a lot of words that apply but they are more than a bit salty and I am trying to cut the swearing down. 

This Crooks&Liars cartoon sums things up terrifyingly well.

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