Saturday, January 29, 2022

January 28

 We had a tiny bit of snow over night--not even worth getting the broom out to sweep it off. Even though the temperature isn't above 20*F today the sidewalks warmed enough, where the sun reached them, to melt the snow. The weather is supposed to be somewhat chancy with a new front moving in by the middle of next week so we did what little shopping we were going to do then to today. We can hibernate for the week.

I found this little piece on Treehugger which asks what future the Winter Olympics has. Spoiler: pretty bleak. Even if the goals of the Paris Accord are reached (a might big IF) most of the areas where the games are normally held will be marginal to very risky at best for snow conditions. Beijing is making its snow putting a strain on already strained water supplies.

I have never been a fan of electric ranges since my high school days when I tried to boil water on a controlled setting burner that I set to too low a temperature. I cooked entire meals at home on a gas stove with no problem when mom was in the hospital having my youngest brother and helped a lot in the kitchen at other times. The teacher's taunting remarks really ticked me off to the point where I refused to cook at all in that class and took a D instead. I also had a few choice remarks about her assuming that everyone worked with a "modern" electric stove at home. Treehugger has another article about the amount of unburned methane gas stoves emit and it isn't inconsequential. I would still rather have a gas stove.

New York Time's David Leonhardt has a chilling article for anyone who is concerned with internet/communications security. 

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