Wednesday, March 9, 2022

March 9

 Almost one third through March and the weather feels more like early April. I haven't done anything in the gardens though with growing struggle not to be premature. If it is warm today I might get out and sweep some of the debris that has blown in and get some of the rearranging of the containers. Otherwise I simply look out on the patio thinking about what I might put in where.

Going on to other things: I an no longer amazed at the Republican hypocrisy. I am simply disgusted. Over the last couple of days both the Republicans and Democrats urged President Biden to ban Russian energy shipments but now that he has done so the Republicans are bemoaning the effect on the U.S. consumer and blaming Biden solely for what ever pain the move might cause. Ever since George W. Bush told Americans that their patriotic duty was to go shopping, consumers have been treated as though they were incredibly delicate unless they were "essential workers" who were forgotten almost as soon as the pandemic seemed to be over. The rest of us are batted back and forth for the political benefit of the politicians--they hope.

I am surprised at how many American International companies have decided to either exit Russia or suspend their operations in Russia. The oil companies have made bans on Russian oil a moot question. What oil they might have been able to ship to points outside Europe has been stalled by shipping companies refusing to pick up cargo or by people on the receiving end refusing to unload. A couple of the economics commentators noted that the economic hit on the companies might not be as significant (Even for McDonalds who are trying to continue paying their employees and supporting their suppliers) as expected because the ruble has lost so much of its value.

The stock markets have gone up and the oil markets have gone down. The comments say the moves are on the hope that some resolution to the Ukrainian situation is in the offing. I haven't seen anything to support that hope.

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