Sunday, April 30, 2023

April 30

Welcome to the last day of April and to the end of the first third of 2023. I didn't have much to say over the last two days. Nothing to do in the gardens, well at least not much. I could be filling pots but it has been too wet or too cold to spent time outside. My original thought in January that I would be looking for transplants in the second week of May has become the reality. The warm spell a couple of weeks ago were, as usual, not a good predictor of the season. Yesterday started, as today has, with sun. The temperature reached the high 70s before the clouds moved in and temps dropped into the mid 50s and I had to close the door and windows. The weather channel predicts a similar pattern today.

Caitlin Johnstone posted this today. She is very right about propaganda. We are fish swimming in a sea of propaganda. We all live within bubbles of "information" telling us what is expected of us and what we should expect of others and of our society. That works pretty well so long as the results are somewhat in line with expectations. Right now they don't. Right now you can work hard, follow the rules and still wind up with the short end of the stick, or with no stick at all. I see two strategies pushed by the propagandist: its your fault or its THOSE PEOPLE (you know, too dark, too poor, not straight, not male). Either way the people at the top who have gathered most of the income and most of the wealth set the rules that have demolished the ladder of social and economic mobility.

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