Friday, September 8, 2023

September 6, 7, 8

 We should have thunderstorms off and on today. I hope so. I would rather let nature water my plants.

This is simply astonishing. It is hard to imagine two feet of rain in a 24 hour period. And they are talking about a possible tropical style cyclone developing in the Mediterranean.

I hadn't heard of "conservation gardening" and this article on Anthropocene is a nice introduction.

Medium put this article up that is interesting.


We had long and repeated internet interruptions and our cable also went our for about 4 hours. Hope that doesn't happen today.  We commented that such interruptions seem to be happening more frequently.

We had rain overnight and it is cloudy now. So another day or more that I won't have to water plants on the patio.


No internet outages yesterday just nothing much worth writing anything about. Two more RepTHUGlicans lost in court. And Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis sent a reply to the RepTHUGlican who is pretending to be a Representative from Ohio telling him to butt out of her state case against The Former Guy and his merry ban of idiots and enablers. 

A report on the morning news said the GOP is considering "rebranding" its "Pro-life" slogan. The option mentioned is "Pro-Baby." Problem: their policy proposals are no more Pro-Baby than they are Pro-Life. The interest in life ends with birth either way and completely ignores the woman who has to carry a fetus to term no matter what risks to herself or the potential baby. Also the man involved in creating the potential baby is NEVER mentioned. I haven't heard of a second divine conception or an example of human parthenogenesis so why is the male partner never sanctioned or even mildly criticized?

Some of our indicated politicians should be very happy they aren't in the Turkish justice system.

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