Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 25

 Sunny for now and the nasty weather they predicted for last night missed us. Still trying to figure out the new phones and trying NOT to throw the damned thing so hard it will break. At least this phone is SOMEWHAT easier to use than the first one I tried. It is even harder for Mom than it is for me. She grew up in an age where the only phone available was in the landlady's apartment and she insisted tenants used it only in emergencies and made the call very short. I remember when most homes, in cities at least, had phones; my grandparents never got phone service on their farm. When I lived in northern Virginia we had a fight with the local phone company to get service that wasn't a party line and finally got it when our respective commands (all of us were military or civilian employees) got involved.


Happy Memorial Day weekend. It is cloudy here with rain coming later maybe. I am won't water the plants today. I checked yesterday but, with the cooler weather and the possibility of rain, I don't think I won't need to water til tomorrow.

It looks like Trump got an unpleasant reception to the Libertarian conference. He tried to convince the audience that their aims were most aligned with his strain of Republicanism (which isn't really Republicanism) and got booed. He tried to use the old line that if they supported him they would win and got booed. Trump is really an authoritarian unmoored from any political philosophy and that isn't compatible with a small government and maximum individual liberty philosophy which marks Libertarianism. And Republicanism has proved no more a low tax ideology than Democrat philosophy. Remember who added $3Trillion to the debt with his tax cuts for his rich friends.

Found this by way of Naked Capitalism. The American pharmaceuticals industry bears more resemblance to the old traveling patent medicine shows of the 19th century every year. 

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