Sunday, August 25, 2024

August 25

 The Democratic Convention was entertaining but I am glad it is over. Note that I didn't watch ANY of the Republican Convention. I only saw snippets the news channel I usually watch put up to contrast to what the Democrats did. I gave some observations elsewhere. I will make observations every now and again. For instance, the complaints from Republicans and Republican "adjacent" pundits that Harris isn't giving interviews with reporters--especially "conservative" pundits and outlets. Their biases are showing. I have noticed that Trump isn't giving interviews except to sympathetic interviewers. Second instance: conservative complaints that Harris isn't putting out policy statements. Again that largely shows their biases. The Democratic policy statements are actually more comprehensive than anything the Trump people are putting out--when they aren't trying to back away from unpopular statements as fast as they can.

An interesting report, or rather a snippet of a report, indicated that the Republicans have shifted money away from the 'ground game,' from knocking on doors or making calls. They have decided to put their resources toward lawyers. Being somewhat cynical and suspicious I conclude that they have decided to contest the election in the courts. They don't care what the election results will be, or they suspect it will go against them, and want the courts to erase the results and give the "victory" to Trump. The late Maya Angelou supposedly said that when someone tells you (or shows you) who they are--believe them. Trump bleated that the 2016 election was going to be stollen almost as soon he stepped off his escalator and continued through the entire campaign. He won that one thanks to the Electoral College. But he claimed that he actually won the popular count as well thought all the evidence said otherwise. He made the same claims during the 2020 campaign and when he lost both the Electoral College and the popular count launched more than 60 lawsuits all of which failed to change the outcome. I won't comment on January 6 since it is still in the courts but I did notice that he couldn't muster the courtesy to attend the Biden inauguration. Our history of "peaceful transfer of power" took a bit of a knock. We are seeing the third repeat of the same tired old Trump story and it isn't wearing well. 

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