Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 4

Overcast today and we may get rain. The rain from yesterday didn't amount to much so I was glad I watered the plants. I may need to do that again tomorrow. I had thought I would turn off the air and open the doors but it is so humid outside I decided not to.

We went to the dairy today as we always do when our milk runs low. They are still short on some things. Today they were out of the 2# rolls of butter and had no meat at all. The owner was waiting for his supplier to call to tell him his order was ready. We also went to our local meat market since we were out or nearly out of some items we consider staples. They had several gaps on their shelves and the prices have gone up. We liked the turkey tenders but they had none at all. They also had signs limiting certain high demand items (ground beef and boneless/skinless chicken breasts for example). We didn't need chicken and we only wanted 5# of ground beef which didn't exceed the limits. I hope the prices will come back down but I don't really expect them to.

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