Monday, September 26, 2022

September 26

 I started a couple of posts but never finished them. Sometimes I find that saying anything about the absolute inanity that passes for politics today grates on me. We used to quip (somewhat sarcastically) about the local news (as in Chicago since there isn't any real broadcast news in Northwest Indiana about Northwest Indiana) that the only question about what would be covered was whether the first story would be the latest shooting, car crash, fire, or petty political/social/legal scandal. It was all repetitive and mostly irrelevant. The only relevant portion was the weather and we can get better coverage on the Weather Channel so we don't tune in often. National news is just as repetitive and almost as irrelevant.

Every now and then some talking head says something intriguing. One of the repetitive stories over the last four or five days has been about a Republican Latina who won over a once reliably Democratic district on the southern border. Her slogan was "Dios, Familia, Patria." Even those with less than minimal Spanish language proficiency should be able to translate that as "God, Family, Country." Through out the interview the reporter never asked her what exactly she meant by those nice words. Does "God" refer only to the Christian god or does that encompass other people's god(s) as well? And how does your concept of "god" inform your politics? Moving on to "Family," what is your definition of family? Do you include same sex couples and their adopted children, or inter-ethnic couples and their children? And lastly how do you define "country"? What do you include and exclude in that definition?

Another commentator asked the question about definitions this morning when covering the so-called "Commitment to America" proposed by Rep. McCarthy which resembled Newt Gingrich's old (and very stale) "Contract With America" of almost three decades ago. A high sounding word salad which can be stretched to mean anything and nothing. Too much of our politics on both sides of the aisle are meaningless generalities.

Many of the commentators this morning were in a tither about the Italian election which returned a very real possibility of a far right government. Three parties of that political denomination have enough votes to get majorities in both houses of the legislature. One of those parties is definitely skeptical of Italy's continued membership in the E.U. while there two are less so and the woman likely to lead the government is in favor of remaining in the E.U. with some adjustment on the power relationship between Rome and Brussels. And, although she had been supported by Berlusconi (former prime minister and perennial pain in the fundament) who supports Putin, she supports Ukraine. Reading some of the reporting on the election, I don't know that there is that much to be concerned about and don't see what we could do if some of the hysterical scenarios came to pass.

Some time ago I passed on a story I read about the Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates which might be appropriate to retell now. While Socrates was walking with friends another ran up to him breathlessly insisting he had new Socrates had to hear. The old philosopher stopped the young man and insisted he answer three questions. First was it good news. "No--actually its very bad." he replied. Second, is it true. "I don't know. I have just heard it. Third, do I really need to know. "Ah--I guess not." Then why tell me? I feel that way about much of the news. It is usually bad; it may or may not be true; and I don't really need to know much about the story because I usually can't do anything about it anyway.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

September 6

 I would say "Good Morning" but I found this first thing this morning. To say my mood and blood pressure are askew (too pissed and too high respectively) would be a massive understatement. First, the article starts by reporting that Ken Paxton (sort of) Attorney General of Texas has signed on to the Women's Bill of Rights. Does anyone remember that that alleged human male is under indictment for fraud? Second, none of the idiots who are proposing this travesty have followed the medical stories over the last several years concerning babies whose sex weren't obvious at birth. Doctors couldn't tell even when they lowered the diaper and looked. Nature is a messy bitch and things aren't always as neat and orderly as people might like. Third, the document asserts that the "biological differences between men and women are enduring" and "may, in certain circumstances, warrant  separate social, educational, athletic, or other spaces in order to ensure safety and/or to allow members of each sex to succeed and thrive.” Really??? Do they support prohibiting women from driving, working outside the home, having a male relative with them if they travel??? Fourth, the document claims that "separate is not inherently unequal" which, though harkening back to the Supreme Court decision in Brown v Board, totally turned the Brown decision on its head. "Separate" is inherently "unequal" because one group will get more opportunity, more resources, more of everything. Half of our population (my half) is being diminished from fully participating citizens to something considerably less by white male politicians. I remember when after George W. was elected some men claimed they were taking their country back I felt they were destroying mine. I feel that even more strongly today.

We woke up this morning to the announcement from Buckingham Palace that doctors were "concerned" about Queen Elizabeth's health. Just a few minutes ago we turned on the TV to the news that she had died. I was three years old when she became queen.

Monday, September 5, 2022

September 5

 Good morning and hoping you are enjoying the Labor Day weekend. We have done our usual: stayed home.

I had a post started several days ago but got busy and never got back to it. All I had written was an update on the gardens. I have given up on the Meyer lemon. I repotted it because I saw some (very few) healthy roots but another almost two weeks saw no improvement and considerable decline. Well, a gardener blogger I read frequently claimed you aren't really a gardener until you have killed a fair number of plants. It took me three tries to keep a rosemary plant for about five years. That lemon was my second try. Might try again--I am nothing if not stubborn. But that is for next year. The program for the day includes deadheading and removing some of the more ragged plants. Some of the areas I will seed with lettuce and spinach. See if I get any edibles before the frosts come.

I am also continuing a long delayed reorganization of my collection of embroidery floss. It is a bit more complex because I am integrating the JP Coats threads into the larger collection of DMC. That involved going between three computer screens: the listing of old JPC colors, the new JPC colors, and the list with the conversions between the the two. I have also had to rewind some of the thread on new bobbins and labeling them. I found a number of very old skeins some possibly 60 years old from when I first began embroidery. The price marked on most of them was $0.12 (one for a nickel!!).

Found this Octavia Butler quote on Facebook yesterday and looked it up this morning. 

“Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought.
To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears.

To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool.
To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen.

To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies.

To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery.”

Unfortunately, I think it sums where we are, and have been, since #45 entered the White House. Also unfortunately too many in the formerly Republican Party see advantage to hitching their ambitions to The Former Guy and follows his behavior patterns.

Bloglovin' has been glitching for some months now. I can get on every now and then for a day or two--sometimes for a week or ten days. Irritating.

Belated welcome to September and to meteorological fall. Astronomical fall begins 22nd.