Monday, September 5, 2022

September 5

 Good morning and hoping you are enjoying the Labor Day weekend. We have done our usual: stayed home.

I had a post started several days ago but got busy and never got back to it. All I had written was an update on the gardens. I have given up on the Meyer lemon. I repotted it because I saw some (very few) healthy roots but another almost two weeks saw no improvement and considerable decline. Well, a gardener blogger I read frequently claimed you aren't really a gardener until you have killed a fair number of plants. It took me three tries to keep a rosemary plant for about five years. That lemon was my second try. Might try again--I am nothing if not stubborn. But that is for next year. The program for the day includes deadheading and removing some of the more ragged plants. Some of the areas I will seed with lettuce and spinach. See if I get any edibles before the frosts come.

I am also continuing a long delayed reorganization of my collection of embroidery floss. It is a bit more complex because I am integrating the JP Coats threads into the larger collection of DMC. That involved going between three computer screens: the listing of old JPC colors, the new JPC colors, and the list with the conversions between the the two. I have also had to rewind some of the thread on new bobbins and labeling them. I found a number of very old skeins some possibly 60 years old from when I first began embroidery. The price marked on most of them was $0.12 (one for a nickel!!).

Found this Octavia Butler quote on Facebook yesterday and looked it up this morning. 

“Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought.
To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears.

To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool.
To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen.

To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies.

To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery.”

Unfortunately, I think it sums where we are, and have been, since #45 entered the White House. Also unfortunately too many in the formerly Republican Party see advantage to hitching their ambitions to The Former Guy and follows his behavior patterns.

Bloglovin' has been glitching for some months now. I can get on every now and then for a day or two--sometimes for a week or ten days. Irritating.

Belated welcome to September and to meteorological fall. Astronomical fall begins 22nd. 

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