Thursday, September 8, 2022

September 6

 I would say "Good Morning" but I found this first thing this morning. To say my mood and blood pressure are askew (too pissed and too high respectively) would be a massive understatement. First, the article starts by reporting that Ken Paxton (sort of) Attorney General of Texas has signed on to the Women's Bill of Rights. Does anyone remember that that alleged human male is under indictment for fraud? Second, none of the idiots who are proposing this travesty have followed the medical stories over the last several years concerning babies whose sex weren't obvious at birth. Doctors couldn't tell even when they lowered the diaper and looked. Nature is a messy bitch and things aren't always as neat and orderly as people might like. Third, the document asserts that the "biological differences between men and women are enduring" and "may, in certain circumstances, warrant  separate social, educational, athletic, or other spaces in order to ensure safety and/or to allow members of each sex to succeed and thrive.” Really??? Do they support prohibiting women from driving, working outside the home, having a male relative with them if they travel??? Fourth, the document claims that "separate is not inherently unequal" which, though harkening back to the Supreme Court decision in Brown v Board, totally turned the Brown decision on its head. "Separate" is inherently "unequal" because one group will get more opportunity, more resources, more of everything. Half of our population (my half) is being diminished from fully participating citizens to something considerably less by white male politicians. I remember when after George W. was elected some men claimed they were taking their country back I felt they were destroying mine. I feel that even more strongly today.

We woke up this morning to the announcement from Buckingham Palace that doctors were "concerned" about Queen Elizabeth's health. Just a few minutes ago we turned on the TV to the news that she had died. I was three years old when she became queen.

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