Thursday, March 23, 2023

March 23

Overcast, cool, and wet today. I noticed that the leaf buds are rapidly getting bigger on more trees ad bushes.

I turned off the news sooner than usual this morning. After getting my fill of the "Indictment Watch," and the rest of the smidge of news with a large dose of speculation I tried to watch BBC but left it when it started covering the Congressional hearings on TikTok. I 'm very skeptical about the demands that the Chinese company that owns a significant part of TikTok or be banned. I think the concern on Chinese spying is reaching hysterical levels and even if they can't go in with TikTok they will do so in another way. Also it is likely to cost us more than it will China. But beyond that I am totally skeptical of any attempt to ban or even control a technology. In all the history I have read, technologies are discarded in only two ways: it is superseded by another (whale oil by kerosene by electricity) or because social/political/economic changes makes the technology too expensive (in money, manpower, or resources) to maintain. We aren't anywhere near such a condition with respect to social media.

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