Saturday, September 2, 2023

September 1, 2

 Welcome to September. I got all five pots of mums planted. Sounds simple but for a couple it involved rearranging a couple of areas and digging out enough of the soil to remove a couple of blocks I put in hoping to stabilize the shepherds' hooks. By the time I finished I was pretty wiped out.

Listening to the news story this morning about the long sentences given two of the Proud Boys convicted of sedition. A couple of commentators were surprised that the sentences were half of what the guidelines set down. A couple of others were more sympathetic citing the tearful claims that the offenders were obeying a summons from their President. Not a one noted that acting on a superior's orders is ever an excuse for committing a crime. Most of the defendants at Nuremberg used that and found it falling on deaf ears. Even the code of military justice notes the right of service people to disobey unlawful orders. There are times when people have knowingly disobeyed a law they thought immoral as when they dodged the draft during the Vietnam Era. Some of those stood by their decision and went to prison for the principle. However, that isn't what happened on January 6. They were trying to overturn the results of an election they disagreed with. In an insurrection, as in a revolution, the rule is win or die. They lost.


It was nice and cool this morning so I opened the doors and upstairs windows. But we expect the high to be mid 80s and the thermostat read 76 just now so I closed up again. But we did get some nice cooling for a while. We expect the next several days to be in the 90s before the 70s return late next week. I checked everything on the patio and only the large pot of sage needed water. It also needed some more soil since the level had subsided a bit. Tomorrow morning I will water everything well. Summer is evidently telling us she isn't done yet.

I almost forgot: Happy Labor Day weekend. Most holidays aren't all that significant for us so we tend to forget them. I forget where we were shopping at the end of June and one of the clerks wishes us a happy holiday. We wondered "holiday?" and she reminded us that July 4th was the coming weekend. We had been hearing fire works for nearly a month so the holiday itself  got lost.

Another Baby Boomer icon has passed: Jimmy Buffet at 76.

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