Monday, September 11, 2023

September 9, 10, 11

We have had three days of off-and-on rain. The temperatures have cooled off which is nice. Not watering the gardens is good but not watering and not having to run the air conditioner is even better.

Doomberg has a good article that makes points I have read in other bloggers' posts for some time. As organizations have grown larger the number of divisions, committees, departments, etc., have exploded and the number of managers have also. There is an old saying that a committee is the only form of mammalian life with six or more legs and no brain. It is also a formula for doing less with more.


Bright and sunny today. I have opened the patio door (leaving the screen door shut) hoping to get fresh air in the house.

I am getting very tired of all of The Former Guy's sycophants bleating that if he has to suffer the indignity of a trial on trying to subvert the last election or if he is barred from running (or being seated in office if, Gods help us, he wins) there will be blood in the streets. So the "mob boss" tells us that we have a nice little country and it would be a terrible shame if anything happened to it. All we have to do to make sure the terrible doesn't happen is pay the SOB off and SHTF up.

Found this on my e-mail this morning. We live in Northwest Indiana about 40 miles from Chicago. We go to bed early and were asleep by the time the quake happened. I had heard about one of the three others which occurred in August. Note: we are just over 200 years past the last big quake in a similar area: New Madrid. That episode consisted of two quakes over a very short time which changed the course of the Mississippi River. The area was still sparsely populated (by white people) so the death toll, that we know of, was light. A similar quake nowadays would resemble something like that along the Türkiye-Syria border, or worse considering the major cities along that fault.


Welcome to 9/11 Remembrance Day. It looks like all of the news today will be interspersed with ceremonies across the country. I saw on little piece on a different 9/11 event that perhaps we should also be remembering: the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende and the institution of the Pinochet dictatorship fifty years ago with the financing and help of the U.S. A reminder that our politicians love democracy until democracy produces a result they don't like.

An analysis of Biden's trip to the G20 conference in India made a comment we should take to heart. It was clear that countries like the host, India, were't going to jettison their relationships with Russia and China. And the U.S. can't impose its view on other countries. And perhaps we should start adjusting our attitude by recognizing that demanding that others, either individuals or individual states, comply with your demands doesn't work.

And now for something really depressing. I read blogs by a different survivor of the Camp Fire and an account of another fire that destroyed another town. Their accounts reflect what the author of the linked article has written. I really dread what the aftermath of the Maui fire will mean for those victims, especially since the vultures are circling hoping to snap up property to turn it into something that screws over the survivors yet again.

MSN says the U.S. has set a record for the number of billion dollar+ weather events/disasters: 23.

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