Thursday, December 3, 2020

 Another sunny but cold day here. December 3

I have been reading some blogs I follow regularly from writers a bit east and south of us and they got slammed by the snow that barely brushed us. All of that is pretty well gone. I have been busy trying to straighten and reorganize the What-not Room. I still have way too much stuff to somehow put into it but I will find a way to get it in. I am doing well with my resolve to not buy any more needlework until I use up some of my stash. I might succeed in that resolution because I have the new Zoom Loom and Kayu loom I need to learn how to use. I bought them as a way to use up some of my stash--especially the tag ends of yarn from crochet projects. And as an alternative to crochet. I haven't done as well with my determination to refrain from buying more books until I have read more of the ones I already have. But I have slowed down my purchases.

Reading today"

    Andrea Mazzarino at Tomdispatch. The thought expressed in Engelhardt's into to her piece (Stop Thanking the Troops and Lend a Hand) reflects my thoughts to a T. I have resented the constant refrain of "Thank You For Your Service" whenever a military member or veteran was interviewed. And Mazzarino says what I have said here in my space so many rungs below the level that makes decisions in they country--start funding the care of soldiers and start examining carefully the expenditures the Pentagon makes. The sexy high tech weapons systems (many of which don't work as advertised) are attractive and pay the contractors big bucks but that money might be better spent on people, the people who have served and sacrificed and the families who love them.

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