Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 November 30

We have high, gusty winds today and the forecast says we won't get out of the mid 30s. The weather channel said possible rain and snow but the weather forecast on TV yesterday predicted just snow--possibly 2-5 inches. Oh, well, we didn't plan to go anywhere today. Tomorrow should be calmer and drier though no warmer. That is when we planned to go grocery shopping.

Welcome to December

Well, we got our shopping done. We had quite a bit since we only went out for milk last week.The snow largely melted and then froze on cars and pavement. We had to get the scrapers and de-icer out and spread salt on the walkways. Neither of us is interested in relearning how to ice skate. I am not really ready for winter weather but to get out of this miserable year we have to get through the dark and cold season.

Tom Engelhardt has a good post on our "Age of Opacity."

There is a lot of speculation about whether and how #45 and his grifting family might get pardoned for whatever unspecified crimes they may (or may not) have committed. I agree with most of what John Beckett said here. I don't agree that Ford was right to have pardoned Nixon. Any crimes Nixon committed should have been thoroughly investigated, litigated, and (if he was found guilty) punished. After all, Presidents are not above the law. Nixon did at least express some contrition for the whole sorry mess and basically retired from public life. If #45 agreed to retire and keep out of politics I wouldn't expect him to keep to the promise. He is, after all, the champion liar of all time. The only consolation I have if #45 and his sycophants get pardons is that such pardons only pertain to Federal charges. There are still state and City of New York charges possible. That is a "reality" show I would gleefully follow.

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