Thursday, August 26, 2021

 August 26

We have had hot, humid, sunny days that have brought evening and overnight thundershowers for the last couple of nights. We saw pictures of the lightning show over Chicago last night and on our side we had lightening bright enough to light up the room as though we had switched on a light momentarily--through the closed curtains. It is hot and humid now and I wonder if we will get more thundershowers tonight.

Mom read something on problems with the Former Guy's "big, beautiful wall" a couple of days ago. I found this item on Gizmodo which goes into more detail. It looks like he was as good at finding competent engineers and builders as he was at finding lawyers to work on his "stop the steal" legal cases. I wonder where all the money really went.

Saw a couple of good political cartoons on the Direct ezine this morning. I especially like the one showing the Four Horsemen (War, Famine, Pestilence and Death) joined by a fifth horseman punching something into his smartphone. "And your are?" the four ask. "Misinformation" replies the fifth. Oh and the one with Hubris and Folly marching along with Hubris saying "We're rich. We're powerful. We can do anything we want." and Folly saying "We should take over a backward tribal country and remake it in our image. What could possibly go wrong?" That last echoes a comment on one of the commentaries on TV a couple of days ago which declared our "adventure" in Afghanistan as being like a Greek tragedy. Anybody remember which human failing was at the bottom of most of those plays? HUBRIS. An overweening pride. 

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