Saturday, August 28, 2021

 August 28

Almost the end of another month. It is early yet so nothing visible outside other than a few house lights. The weather people say it will be another warm and sunny day with possible thunder showers later. Thankfully, we aren't on the gulf coast. I hope I have some time to do a bit of garden maintenance before it gets too warm.

The political blame games are intensifying as the pull out from Afghanistan winds down. At least on the Republican side where those (sort of) human moral pretzels are bleating that Biden should resign and mewling about impeachment. They conveniently forget (and hope we will forget) that the debacle started under George W. and the withdrawal was "negotiated" between the Taliban and The Former Guy without any consultation with the Afghan government our supposed ally. Soon we will hear pundits talking about the "lessons" we should "learn" from the mess. Actually that may be starting already as seen here. What David Kaiser describes is a program for failure for both putative allies and for ourselves.

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