Tuesday, December 13, 2022

December 13

 Cloudy with rain expected for most of the next 10 days. If we are lucky that system that has hit Texas and Louisiana this morning will only bring rain.

Found this item on Crooks&Liars this morning. I wasn't surprised that Biden used and Executive Order to end the rail workers' strike and force them back to work. The article mentioned how the executives drastically reduced the work force to boost the profits for the shareholders. I wish there was a good way to to remake Capitalism so that values other than simply the almighty dollar and people other than shareholders are considered. For years business and industry have run on thin labor levels, just in time deliveries of merchandise and parts, and overextended facilities. It is a recipe for disaster when something upsets the applecart.

The news has been ecstatic over the report that U.S. scientists have achieved a nuclear fusion experiment which achieved a net energy gain. That has been, as reports have said, the "holy grail" of energy research. However, the experts think development will take a minimum of ten years. And I won't be around IF it ever does become an energy source. Even if I would be here I won't be holding my breath because too often in the past the initial reports haven't been followed by scalable development.

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