Thursday, December 8, 2022

December 7, 8

Good Morning, All.

It looks like a good day for some sanity. Warnock won in Georgia and the San Francisco supervisors reversed their decision to deploy deadly police robots for the time being.


Sunny today though we are expecting several days of rain over the next ten. Still thinking about what seeds to order but I haven't made any decisions yet.

The good news today is the Brittney Griner is coming free in return for a dirt-bag Russian arms dealer. Evidently, the Russians made an ultimatum: the one for one Griner for the arms dealer or nothing. Biden took what he could get.

More good news: the Respect for Marriage Act passed the house and goes now to the Biden for signing. If the Supreme Court does revisit the Obergefell and overturns that decision the Act will mandate that all states must respect any marriage lawfully contracted in any other state. No state can refuse to recognize a same sex union legally entered into in another state simply because that state doesn't recognize such a union. It would seem that Chief Justice John Roberts is getting his wish that many of the most contentious issue will go back to the individual states for whatever local resolution those local voters to decide.  About a decade ago, I first asked if the United States was really a cohesive country. For several decades, since the Great Depression at least, the pendulum seemed to be swinging in that direction. However, from the very beginning, this country has had a very strong tradition of local control. The tensions leading up to the Civil War involved issues of Federal control and States Rights. I will leave it for you to read up on that. That pendulum between the Federal and the States seems to be swinging in the direction of decentralized State power.

A company The Former Guy's lawyers hired to search other of his sites for confidential government documents found two at a storage unit in boxes that also contained a myriad of personal property. People keep asking why he took the documents. I think the mix of things the documents were found with (both this time and earlier at his golf resort) explains his motivation. He had them as flashy momentos that he could pull out to show just what an important person he was (and to his mind, is).

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