Saturday, February 11, 2023

February 10, 11

 ***********************************10*********************************We are still in a warm unseasonable warm spell. I think we touched 50F yesterday during a brief time when the sun came out. Otherwise it was a rainy mid 40s. That is still well above the normal for the first full week of February. I find myself hoping for a bit colder weather to keep my perennial plants dormant. If they leaf out now they might be killed by a freeze.

I found this almost first thing this morning. We haven't deployed our military under a declaration of war since World War II. In spite of that, we have had various examples of troops in shooting actions that have cost a lot of lives and a lot of money on the basis of the two Authorization of Military Force acts and the expanded uses of them over administrations of both parties. It is time to cancel them.


Nice sunny morning. At least here. In Turkiye (a.k.a., Turkey) the death toll has exceeded the mortality of the 1999 quake and moved into second place on the list of most lethal earthquakes. I expect that the tally will finally exceed the number one earthquake disaster of 32+K which happened in 1939.

Yesterday the U.S. shot down an unspecified floating object over northern Alaska and today Canada followed that up with the shoot down of yet another. Teams have been sent to recover the wreckage. No other information yet available.

Robert Reich has a good post on the scam wealthy sports team owners perpetrate on the rest of us in the building and operation of their stadiums. Tax payers pay the lion's share of the building and operations costs while they reap the lion's share of the profits.

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