Monday, August 14, 2023

August 13, 14

 We were almost totally off line yesterday. I don't know how it will go today. We'll see. The company is sending out a technician tomorrow to, hopefully, find out what has been causing the intermittent interruptions. I am trying to catch up on all of the e-mail and news we missed yesterday.

Starting off with this piece by Bill Astore on the war in Ukraine. We live by the stories we tell as much as by the bread we eat.


Well, we are waiting for the technicians to come and try to figure out what is going on with our internet connection. It is on at the moment but it took about two and a half hours for the modem/router to actually make its connection--just like yesterday. It was almost funny yesterday because we got a call from the company about 8am noting that the on-line techs thought they had fixed the problem and asking if we still wanted the at home visit. We decided to keep that appointment--and two hours later the connection failed. We had no further internet at all yesterday. I really hope they get it straightened out.

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