Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31

We are supposed to have a cool and sunny day today. I hope so because I have five pots of mums to plant. We picked them up yesterday while we were out on our various errands.

Found this for the "gift that keeps giving" file. I think the key phrase in the story was "there was evidence Vatican and U.S. church leaders knew he slept with seminarians but turned a blind eye as McCarrick rose to the top of the U.S. church as an adept fundraiser who advised three popes."

Another for that same file this time in Chile. The overthrow of the democratically elected Marxist government of Salvador Allende occurred fifty years ago in the Nixon Administration. But the trauma continues and colors what happens now. Argentina's "Dirty War" of the 1970s and 1980s was still being making headlines as the survivors and the families of the "disappeared" and the children ripped from their families search for answers--and accountability. Both episodes resulted because one group, which included military officers, refused to accept the results of elections they disagreed with and decided to overthrow the government. People, individuals and groups, have long memories. Which is why I don't agree with those of what ever political tribe who want to just consign divisive events (Nixon's criminality and TFG's bleating about "rigged" elections) to the memory hole and move on. We never truly move on.

I found this story from the Shreveport Times after reading a story about wild fires in Louisiana which included the Tiger Island Fire, the largest in the state so far. This site, updated daily, recaps the fire season nationally. Dismal reading.

This tells the story:

Idalia might be the 19th billion dollar climate event this year. And Vivek Ramaswamy thinks that "a single data point doesn't make a trend" as he condescendingly cut off Andrea Mitchell in their interview. The tech-bro showed the limits of his education and intelligence. Idalia isn't a single data point; it's the 19th after 15 last year. 

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