Monday, January 22, 2024

January 22

Found on Jan 20

I love this piece "Boomers: Worked. Gen X: Irked. Millennials: Shirked." The author is anxious to see what Generation Alpha does. I remember falling into the "do whatever the employer wants," show up for mandatory meetings that were "off the clock," go the "extra mile," expecting that the effort would be rewarded. It never was. I remember being told that you should send "thank you" notes after an interview. Since then my caustic remark that we "work ourselves to death to make a living" changed to we "work ourselves to death and still can't make a living." I am a boomer who worked, got irked, and wish I had shirked. I am glad to see trends that say that workers are setting rules and boundaries. I want to see more of it.

We are getting a bit of snow but the temperatures should be going up and the are promising rain. If that comes through much of this snow and ice should go away. Several communities from west of Chicago to east of here are watching because their rivers a both high and ice clogged which might change to flood. We plan on hibernating for the week since the forecast is for rain and/or freezing rain til Friday.

Well DeSantis is gone. Won't be missed. After all of the caustic remarks he made about so-called Republicans who oppose Trump and then cave and "kiss the ring," DeSantis set a speed record for doing the same.

We are doing what we can to cut the crap that is passed off as news. Saturday we got two soccer (football for those on the other side of the pond) games. And the BBC for a bit. Yesterday we had another two soccer games, the women's basketball game (I forgot which teams but it went into overtime, and the Lions vs Buccaneers (American football). Every now and then I put out a stack of our DVDs and we watch our re-runs.

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