Friday, March 22, 2024

March 21, 22

 Cloudy this morning and very chilly. They promised us sun but evidently Nature had other ideas.


Clouds and snow this morning--where the hell did spring go?  As you can see I didn't have much to say yesterday. We did our shopping which is what we do every 10 days to two weeks. That is how long it takes for us to have a list of items that we need, including some we can't really do without. Can you imagine what would happen if we ran out of cat food? Not good. As usual nowadays we brought everything home, put it away, and ...collapsed. On the way I noticed the price of gas was between $3.50 and $3.70. The price of oil is now sitting around $80/barrel. That is one 

I found this article on CNN this morning. On first impression it looks good for Trump but on a deeper read you find it leaves him in the same place: cash poor and asset rich. (Rather like a conditions I, in my much lower economic status, am familiar with but we called it "house rich/cash poor.") So much of Trump's "empire" it is highly illiquid.

Ted Gioia posted this State of the Culture post on The Honest Broker. So much in today's world seems to be simply distraction. And is so boring. We haven't been to the movie theater in 20 years and five years before that we stopped buying snacks. We find most movies totally uninteresting and the cost of the ticket is costs more than the pleasure we get from the experience. We usually buy DVDs but fewer than we did 20 years ago. The last one I bought was the new Dune 1 and the next will be Dune 2. So far nothing else is interesting. Note: I don't use TikTok, instagram, X (formerly Twitter) or any of those social media on any regular or prolonged basis.

Found another Gioia post on the importance of ritual in combating the addictive effect of our distraction culture. I read a number of pagan/polytheist blogs and many of them stress the importance of ritual in their religious practice and psychic health.

I started following this theme at Jeremiah Johnson's Infinite Scroll site.

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