Monday, June 24, 2024

June 23, 24

 We finally got rain last night and plenty of it last night. The storms came through with thunder and lightening dropping about two inches of rain. No need to water any plants. Some plants are looking a bit bedraggled and beaten down but they are standing up again.


The gardens appear to have enough moisture so I won't water today. I pulled some weeds and checked everything. The temperatures are supposed to stay cooler for a few days--as in mid 80°s. Still uncomfortable if you are out in it.

We avoid a lot of the news. Right now an inordinate amount of space is give over to speculation on the coming Biden/Trump "debate." Or speculation on the polling trends and what those mean for the election. Most of the supposed news is mere speculation. We watched the UEFA championship and the COPA America matches over the weekend and will watch the UEFA  games this afternoon. I don't usually put FOX on but they are carrying the soccer. It is also annoying how much space is given to demonstrations that seem to have no real purpose except the get attention and to annoy. Over the weekend so-called environmental demonstrators threw dye into Buckingham Fountain in Chicago. They forced the city spend time, man power, and money to drain and clean the fountain. In England, the idiots threw a powered dye on Stonehenge which means another site of historical importance has to be carefully cleaned up. And others interrupted a golf tournament by running through the players and throwing dye on the greens. Those actions aren't likely to garner positive support for their aims. I, for one, would like to see all of them get some very stiff sentences for vandalism, if nothing else.

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