Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 4

Hoping the day will be dry. The forecast is for sun and temps in the low 80s. Planning to get two transplants in and some sunflower seeds I hope will sprout in spite of their age. I got them about 4 years ago. We plan to visit the farm market next Saturday where I hope there are more plants available. We will also visit Home Depot. That seems to be the best local source.

I was skeptical of the "cease fire" plan Biden outlined in his press conference last Friday. It was clear that, no matter what Biden claimed, neither Hamas (in spite of their vaguely "positive" response) nor Netanyahu had agreed. After threats from his right wing cabinet members, he insists that any "agreement" had to include the "destruction" of Hamas. I have already commented on the fuzziness of the word "destruction."

I did get the two transplants in and watered everything but it was already too hot to do any heavy work. I think that over the next few days I will do a couple of simple tasks like adding soil to a couple of pots already filled and get the remaining post (without plants as yet) filled and ready for planting. I noticed that the mints are almost ready for a first cutting which I think I will use for one of our pitchers of (soon-to-be) iced tea.


We had heavy rain early this morning. Too wet to do much outside. My cats are very unhappy because it is too warm outside for me to open the windows. They can't sit on the sill and dream of catching all those feathered chew toys just out of reach. I turned off the so-called news early. Nothing new or really informative.

One bit of news: Mexico managed something we haven't--electing a woman President. In fact, the two front running candidates were women. Claudia Sheinbaum is also Jewish. 

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