Friday, December 26, 2008

Good Morning, All, on this Day After Christmas.  Christmas Day for us was quiet.  We didn't go anywhere.  We aren't going anywhere today either.  On the one hand we don't really like crowds and everyone knows what a zoo the stores are the day after Christmas.  On the other, the weather is simply horrible.  The news said this morning that EVERY major road in Chicago had stretches that were shut down.  We have had freezing rain and sleet coating everything.  Most people can't remember worse conditions even those whose memories go back 30 plus years.  Better to stay indoors safe and warm.  And it isn't expected to get much better even as the temperature rises.  They don't expect the rain to let up and flash flood advisories are out for the entire area.

Anyway, on to something else.  I found this cute item on The Wild Hunt by way of Chrysalis.  I love the idea of voodoo dolls in the shape of bankers.  Perhaps we should have some made up in the form of Bush and his friends.

Or perhaps we should have voodoo dolls in the shape of the directors of Fannie Mae directors, those who appoint them, and those who pay them.  Take a look at this bit of inanity by way of Dean Baker at TPM Cafe.  I agree that the outrage the Washington Post (and others) display when complaining about the compensation of auto workers doesn't seem to carry over to this situation.  How can I get that job?  I would love to get $160k for a 500 hour year.

1 comment:

Kay Dennison said...

Argh!!!!! I hope we don't get that weather. It was in the balmy 40s but now it's going to rain.

I love the voodoo doll thing -- it works for me.

Thanks for the link to TPM Cafe -- he makes some excellent obervations.