Saturday, October 10, 2020

 October 9

Poor, poor #45. He won't get a Nobel Peace Prize. It was awarded to the World Food Program. Of course, he is in good (or bad) company since his best bud, Vladimir, was also left out in the cold.

We didn't watch the vice-presidential debates. From the commentary since it followed the usual pattern for such debates. Didn't really spread much light on either party's intentions. Harris, again from the commentary, managed to effectively gut the RepTHUGlican non-program without offering more than general promises. Pence was a slightly more mannerly boor and didn't talk over Harris all the time. Just enough that she reminded him she was speaking. That evoked reminiscences for a lot of the women in the audience who also had the problem of men talking over them. The most memorable part of the debate: the fly that landed on Pence's hair. My first thought: well you know what flies are most attracted to--s#$t. I said that to the clerk at the dairy this morning and she laughed that she didn't think of that since the cows and goats produce a lot of that.

October 10

The Chicago news last night had a segment on the high turnout for early in-person voting in this area. Parts of Chicago started early voting a couple of weeks ago and all of Indiana started this last week. I noted on the October 6 post that we voted on opening day and there was quite a long line though nothing like what the news showed for a couple of other states. Evidently the crowds keep showing up, masked and generally distancing.

While we went out to the dairy Thursday I was struck by the fact that I have seen only one political sign concerning the presidential campaign. I still wonder if it was pro- or anti-#45 because it was odd and we passed too quickly for me to really read it. One woman who was next to us in the voting line commented that she had two of her pro-Biden signs vandalized. Her daughter sent her one which pictured #45's comb-over and simply said NOPE. I have seen a lot of signs for our local races.

Fall colors are developing rapidly though, perhaps, a week or 10 days away from full color. I have cut away a lot of the plant growth and dug out one of the basil roots so I could put the last mum in its place. I am debating whether I should get some mulch or just find other ways to protect the soil from any rain we might get. I also need to get the roses and a couple of other plants that might make it through the winter.

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