Thursday, October 29, 2020

 Only six more days however it turns out

--October 28

Five more days--damn where did yesterday go? October 29

I don't know about anyone else but I have a hard time reading or listening to anything related to #45 and the election or its possible aftermath. The only thing that strikes me as a sure bet is that the orange idiot isn't going away, He likes the limelight and adulation way too much to give that up. And to anyone who says that at least he won't be president again I suggest you read up on Grover Cleveland. Even if he is defeated things won't be back to what we once considered normal. Karen Greenberg on Tomdispatch outlines the many ways the country will not be normal again. If #45 is re-elected we are all toast.

We had a good frost a couple of days ago. Woke to frost on the cars and on the sage plants in the gardens. It didn't get cold enough for a good freeze. I should go out an get a couple of the container covered and mulched before a freeze does come but haven't got my ambition up to do it. 

I ordered four new items from Herrschners to embroider or rather seven since three were table topper/table scarf sets. I don't often see anything in their catalogs that aren't kits which I don't want because I have a whole lot of thread I want to use and the kits come with the needed thread. I am determined, however, that I will not order any more until I have completed 6 of what I already have--even if it is a half-price sale. I am trying to do the same thing with books--no more until I have finished 6 books in my unread stack. We'll see how it works out. The Herrschners order came two days ago and the last item from the Woolery, my new larger pin loom, is scheduled to arrive on Saturday.

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