Monday, January 16, 2023

January 16

 I didn't even start a post over the weekend. Instead I used three apples we didn't use a while ago in a batch of fried cabbage with apples to make applesauce. It turned out really good. I also put a few more rows on another piece of experimental crochet work and Mark Leibowitz's book Thank You For Your Servitude which was a totally depressing account the people around and withinThe Former Guy's campaigns and administration. Otherwise, I avoided the news for the most part. They keep rehashing the same things, offering little new information and a lot of warmed over speculation.

Robert Reich is getting a close up look at the atmospheric "rivers" inundating California. He lives there. He asks why the mainstream media rarely mentions climate change at all. He notes that, even in the stories about the current weather disasters in this country and in the world at large, few reporters link the weird weather with climate change and fewer ever add the descriptor "human caused" to the term. He asks why. Well, if we acknowledge that the climate is changing and then admit that our activities might be pushing the changes along, intensifying them, we would then have to ask what actions we might take to mitigate the changes and the effects on us and on the world generally. Refusing to admit any of that allows masses of us to refuse to do anything or change anything.

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