Tuesday, January 3, 2023

January 3

 We had rain last night. That plus a restless cat meant I had a fitful night so I am a bit sleep deprived. I will probably doze off and on today. The temperatures are a bit above usual.

The news is covering the battle for house speaker which may turn out to be quite a soap opera. I say "may" because as Yogi Berra (I think it was) said: it is difficult to make predictions especially about the future. As things Spineless Kevin "has" a 222 seat majority (the number of Repthuglicans in the House. That means that he can't lose more than 4 votes to meet the 218 threshold to gain elections to the Speaker's seat. At this moment 5 members have indicated they won't vote for Spineless no matter what. Another 9 or 10 want more concessions to buy their vote. It will be fascinating to watch whether Spineless wins the vote or not. He has already agreed to allow as few as five members to call for a vote to remove him. Wasn't he watching when the Democrats in the Senate had to deal with a similarly narrow margin and found their plans side tracked by one.

Robert Reich has a good assessment of the current condition of the Republican Party. It is no longer recognizably conservative.

Responsiblestatecraft has a good article on the "zombification" of national security. The author says in different words what I have said before. We use our military to handle foreign affairs problems that aren't really nails and we think we have to handle everything all by ourselves. And where we question throwing money at any other department we love to do just that for the Pentagon.

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