Friday, April 7, 2023

April 7

 Sunny and dry so far today. Checked the containers and they appear to be ice free but very wet. Haven't seen any more signs of new growth. Over the week end, if it stays dry, I will begin cleaning up the pots and cutting back dead growth.

Treehugger posted this article on how to recycle glass. I didn't realize that recycling glass could be so complicated.

Over the years my cats have lived longer. When I was a child most lasted ten years or so. My longest lived cats were Demarimasu (19), Sawagimasu(19), and Hiero Kuma(17). We  now have two Leana (7) and Candy (4). Them may out live us. Especially if they last as long as this cat in England. She is almost 32.

The title of this article is a bit misleading. It tells us that the water level in Lake Meade has risen "defying predictions." It gives the impression that the level is approaching "normal" levels and it will continue to rise. The article makes it clear that, although the lake does have more water in it, the lake is nowhere near full. How much more the level will rise depends on how much more water they get from snow melt and future rains.

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