Friday, April 2, 2021

 April 2

Nice and sunny today and a bit warmer. I saw one of the lawn care crew the landlord retains picking up downed tree limbs and twigs and generally cleaning up. I would love to get out and do some of my own but I really don't want to freeze doing it. I will wait until later in the coming week when we should get warmer temps. I gather from the news last night that March was warmer than normal continuing the pattern for the January and February, in spite of the cold snaps. The snow we had yesterday, I think, has disappeared. Actually none of the snow we had really lasted long except where it got piled up from the shoveling and plowing.

Yesterday was opening day for baseball. I have dear friends who will be very happy. They have truly missed it. I saw clips of the Cleveland opener which featured snow showers. They got some of what we got: lake effect snow just a different lake. I can't tell you what the score was. I don't follow any sports at any distance. The information I get is just in passing.

I read the headline that the CDC has decreed that those who are vaccinated can travel now. I didn't read the entire article. I have noticed that quite a number of people frankly don't give a damn and are traveling whether they have been fully vaccinated or not. And I keep seeing bloggers and other writers up in arms over the proposed "vaccine passports." The most vocal of the QAnon representatives in Congress calls them Biden's "mark of the beast." We know it is spring because the blooming idiots are out in full force.

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