Sunday, May 8, 2022

May 8

 Good morning on a nice bright and, likely, day. The weather people predict temps in the 80s which is not at all typical in this area. Thankfully not the triple digits or 90s in the south west. The garden shops are ramping up for the season. Ten years ago I would already be looking then we had several years when we had cold snaps, hard rains and other weather that would have destroyed plants put out at this time. For the last two years I didn't start putting plants in until the end of May and didn't finish filling in until the end of June. I plan to look at my seeds and see what I will plant directly today.

David Kaiser has a long post this morning including, in part, a post he wrote 18 months ago. His key conclusion is one that has been rattling around in my mind for sometime. Both Republicans and Democrats have relied too much on the legal system, and the Supreme Court specifically, to achieve the aims they couldn't gain by political means. Although a large number of people, perhaps even a majority, might agree with what ever decision has been handed down, another large number of people will be galvanized to oppose. Somehow both sides have to move these questions back to the political stage and we are going to have to learn to respect different opinions. Right now too many of us see something we don't like or are morally opposed to insist on putting the rest of us in their straight jacket.

I haven't Been able to get onto Bloglovin' for the last week. This is the second stretch in a little over a month and it irritates me. After the last time  I made a list of the blogs I normally get through that service so I can go in to those sites directly. Not as quick and not as convenient but then I have wondered frequently over the last few years about the unexpected costs of "convenience." Update: I got on a bit ago and had difficulty because I kept getting the notice that the servers were overloaded. It was very frustrating but I did get my list cleared. I might just forget Bloglovin', purge my list to my favorites and keep going in directly the ones I keep.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Yes I agree bloglovin is getting very frosting.
I may do what you are doing