Monday, March 20, 2023

March 20

 Happy Equinox. A pretty day for it. The sun is now at an angle which will gradually increase the light and warmth that reaches my containers. I am still looking for new growth in a couple of pots. But it still isn't warm enough for the soil to have thawed completely even with the rains we had over the last couple of weeks.

I am trying to stay off the speculative (s)news. It isn't enough to present facts but they have to go on and give us all the dire possibilities that might or might not come of them.

Robert Reich has a good piece which starts with "The Underserving Rich" and takes it from the recent banking troubles to a more general critique of our economic/social arrangements.

0h, goodness, it is 20 years since the Iraq war ended. One of the best summations I have heard from anyone was on the whole misguided mess was that our big military/political brains pushed us into a situation without understanding the history, the social fractions, the religion or the language. Then a couple of years after did the same thing again in Afghanistan. I think the key phrase was "imperial overreach."

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