Friday, October 13, 2023

October 13

Welcome to Friday the 13th. Hope it won't be terribly unlucky. We aren't going any where and don't have anything planned. I don't plan on commenting on what ever new insanity and disfunction I read about unless it is something new. So far I haven't seen anything yet.

This is almost as dismal as the chaos in the U.S. House of (Un)Representatives and the depressing situations around the world (Ukraine, Israel to name only two.) Another animal tranquilizer is appearing in drug related deaths and it isn't neutralized by Narcan.

This is equally depressing. But we shouldn't be surprised. The Former Guy said there were "good people" on both sides of the demonstration in Charlottesville where white supremacists chanted "Jews will not replace us." All through his (mis)administration assaults on Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, and trans increased. For the last fifteen years I have felt that the "tribes" that have uneasily occupied this country have been increasingly restless and are now fighting for who will dominate whatever will be left.

Often over the last few years I have often wondered about how dependent we are on our technology. We get all our news on cable and the internet. Our newspapers have shriveled into useless wastepaper. Just the other day our cable and internet were out for about six hours. I could read because my entire library is on my I pad. I simply don't trust the cloud if we cannot make connections. This story is only the latest about "someone" using the internet to deliver attacks.

James Kunstler evidently is feeling much the same as I am with a few different details. 

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