Sunday, April 21, 2024

April 20, 21

 Sunny for now but cold. It is only 38F and the high will only reach high 40s. But the low is right at average for April and the high is a bit below average, if the prediction pans out. We went out for pizza at our favorite pizza restaurant because we simply wanted to go out. Before the pandemic we went out for meals, maybe, five or six times a week. Over the last four years we have tried various frozen/you-bake pizzas and were very disappointed. Yesterday, the spinach stuffed pizza was a treat. We brought half home. Though we ordered a small it was still too much for us. We also ordered a small loaded pizza thinking it would be good for toady. Well, it is a pizza weekend with the left over stuffed pizza today and the other for tomorrow.

Bill Astore posted a piece that could have been featured in Brian Klass' book FLUKE. He tells how his father survived WWII because of an interesting series of accidental happenings, flukes.

An opinion in one of the blogs I read yesterday noted the disappearance of "civil discourse." It isn't respectful (i.e., civil) and not really discourse because the parties don't listen or talk to each other. Name any issue in modern life and all sides are rousing up their supporters with their trite and meaningless word salads while trying to shout down the other side.


I wonder if others had the same problem with blogger I had yesterday. Suddenly I had a blank page here and a message that they couldn't find my data. I had just typed "Crooks & Liars" and everything disappeared. Frustrating--but too much of our technology has been frustrating lately. And so very inconsistent.

Crooks&Liars (this is where the interruption occurred) posted a parody song that so reflects my sentiments about a former reality tv host now on trial in New York (and Georgia, and Florida, and D.C.). Enjoy.

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